Here's a picture of the charms I soldered yesterday. I put a *K* on two of them for the girls they were going to. The backs of the others are just blank. Couldn't come up with anything great to put back there. Should have just put the word *lion*. I wish I had made ME one! I'll need one for all the football games next year since Jake and Josh will both be playing. Josh will be a Lion Cub and Jake will be a Lion!! How fun!! Speaking of Jake, he did make the track team! Please tell me how we're going to handle track practice and baseball practice???
Since we moved into this house (4 years ago this weekend!!), we have tried desperately to have ducks on one of the two ponds. One of our dearest friends brought the boys 12 baby ducks for 2 years in a row. The first year we had 6 survive I think. The second year NONE of them did. It was horrible. Last year we had a mallard and hen come back and nest. Something got the eggs though. We were so sad.
We've been noticing another duck couple (maybe the same one??) on the little pond. Then we noticed just the daddy duck. Well today, we walked out on the island in the little pond and the momma duck swam off. Guess who's made her nest on Josh's island??!! The bad news is our dog Bruno was with us and found the nest too. We tried to shoo him off and I hope it was in time. He doesn't go out there unless the boys are with him so I hope he forgets!! This picture is of the daddy duck. The poles lead to Josh's island. I hate that the island's not in the picture. It's not very big, maybe 15ft round and not very pretty, but the boys love it.
I was so disappointed today. My friend Laura and I were supposed to go see The Other Boleyn Girl tonight. But guess where the only place in all of the USA this movie didn't come?? Yep, right here! (I might be exaggerating about being the only place!!) Maybe one of y'all will get to see it and can tell me how wonderful it is! Guess I'll have to wait til it comes out on DVD. Pout pout.
But to help make up for my disappointment, my sweet husband is taking me to Canton, TX for First Monday Trade Days. I'm so excited!! We used to go all the time before we had kids. Then we stopped. I hope the boys won't be too bored but there should be things for them to look at too. Plus the food is really good.